Induced Fear
Take a dive into all aspects of the paranormal, from bone chilling case of demonic possession to interviews with individuals who had their own personal encounters with spirits and creatures like Dogman. No stone is left unturned as we, along with you ask questions and face our fears on Induced Fear.
Induced Fear
Drawn Into The World of The Paranormal with Mister Sam Shearon
Induced Fear
Episode 85
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00:00:00 | 01:20:38
On this episode of Induced Fear we have Mister Sam Shearon, a well renowned artist within the paranormal community and beyond. Outside of that though he has some remarkable personal experiences that he shares with me. Going from ufo sightings in LA to ghostly apparitions and what can only be described as a green fireball, you dont want to miss this one!
Mister Sam Shearon Website: https://mistersamshearon.com/
Induced Fear Linktree: https://linktr.ee/inducedfearpod